Accident Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless 4524, Tuesday 24 February 1942
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Date:Tuesday 24 February 1942
Type:Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless
Owner/operator:VS-6 US Navy
Registration: 4524
Fatalities:Fatalities: 1 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:At sea off Wake Island -   U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
Phase: Take off
Departure airport:USS Enterprise
Destination airport:
Before dawn the USS Enterprise started to launch the SDB of VS-6 for the planned raid against Wake Island. The morning’s first incident occurred with the second SBD to launch: the experienced pilot, Lt(jg) Peary Teaff, rolled off the port bow into the sea after his SBD-3 Buno 4524 dropped the left wheel into the catwalk and its left wing hit a 5-inch gun mount. The badly injured pilot (who lost his left eye in the accident) was rescued by the destroyer Blue, but not before hearing his radioman-gunner, RM3c Edgar Phelan Jinks calling out from the darkness. Jinks vanished and the plane guard destroyer was unable to locate him. Due to this accident and the poor weather conditions the remaining takeoffs were delayed for 30 minutes.


"Early U.S. Navy Carrier Raids, February-April 1942: Five Operations That Tested a New Dimension of American Air Power", by David Lee Russell, pages 86-87

Revision history:

24-Feb-2020 12:37 Laurent Rizzotti Updated [Registration, Operator, Total fatalities, Total occupants, Location, Country, Phase, Departure airport, Source, Narrative, ]
24-Dec-2020 21:04 Reno Raines Updated [Operator, Operator, ]
07-Dec-2021 22:09 Ron Averes Updated [Location, Country, ]

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