Accident Cessna 177 Cardinal N29500, Saturday 27 December 1969
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Date:Saturday 27 December 1969
Type:Silhouette image of generic C177 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Cessna 177 Cardinal
Owner/operator:Aviation Unlim
Registration: N29500
MSN: 17700929
Fatalities:Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:near Lake Tahoe, CA -   United States of America
Phase: Take off
Departure airport:Sacramento, CA
Destination airport:So.Lake Tahoe, CA
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
recovery date 6/7/70. Mntns obscured by clouds.Flew into mntn side.

Pilot Selwyn Jerome ("Jerry") Weiss of Fullerton, CA and Sandra G. Holland his passenger departed Sacramento about 1:00PM. Contacted Tahoe Airport at 2:24PM "on top of cloud cover at 11,500 encountering severe turbulence". Then reported that he was in the couds and did not how to get down through them, also said he did not know his position. -Source: The Sacramento Bee; Sunday edition 12/28/1969

Accident investigation:
Report number: OAK70A0034
Status: Investigation completed
Duration: 10 months
Download report: Final report


The Sacramento Bee Newspaper. 12/28/1969


At crash site, 9/18/2010 My camera.

Revision history:

25-Feb-2008 12:00 ASN archive Added
27-Oct-2010 02:34 sgraehl Updated [Departure airport, Source, Narrative, ]
31-May-2012 22:21 Anon. Updated [Source, Narrative, ]

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