Accident Douglas 8A-3N 381, Friday 10 May 1940
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Date:Friday 10 May 1940
Time:05:35 LT
Type:Silhouette image of generic a17 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Douglas 8A-3N
Owner/operator:3-V-2 LvR; Wapen der Militaire Luchtvaart (ML)
Registration: 381
MSN: 531
Fatalities:Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:North Sea off Hoek van Holland, Zuid-Holland -   Netherlands
Phase: Unknown
Departure airport:Ypenburg airfield
Destination airport:
The aircraft had taken off at 03:55 hrs together with ten other Douglas aircraft, to engage the Luftwaffe.
It failed to return, both crew members didn't survive:

Vlieger / Res.1e Lt.Vl. P.T. Bierema VK ML / Usquert cemetery in Groningen province; grave 1-10-1
Waarnemer/Schutter / Lt.Wrn. 1e klas W. Faber ML / Grebbeberg cemetery in Utrecht province; grave 3A-55

Google Maps
'Vliegvelden in Oorlogstijd'

Revision history:

17-Dec-2008 11:45 ASN archive Added
10-Mar-2020 16:03 TigerTimon Updated [Time, Operator, Total occupants, Location, Departure airport, Source, Narrative, ]
27-May-2022 10:55 Cobar Updated [Cn, ]

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