Serious incident Airbus A321-211 TC-ATF, Thursday 8 September 2016
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Date:Thursday 8 September 2016
Type:Silhouette image of generic A321 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Airbus A321-211
Owner/operator:Atlasjet Airlines
Registration: TC-ATF
MSN: 761
Year of manufacture:1998
Engine model:CFMI CFM56-5B3/P
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants:
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: None
Category:Serious incident
Location:RILEX -   Bulgaria
Phase: En route
Nature:Passenger - Scheduled
Departure airport:Zürich-Kloten Airport (ZRH/LSZH)
Destination airport:Istanbul-Atatürk Airport (ISL/LTBA)
Investigating agency: AAIU Bulgaria
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
Altlasjet flight KK6112 was cruising in Bulgarian airspace at FL350, when the flight was instructed to descend to FL310. The captain had left the cockpit momentarily at this stage. The inexperienced first officer correctly selected 31000 in the MCP, but opted to select vertical speed mode as autopilot pitch mode. He inadvertently selected climb instead of descend, resulting in an open climb. Turkish Airlines flight TK1966 was converging with the Atlasjet flight to waypoint RILEX at FL370. A TCAS RA was issued and Bulgarian ATC instructed TK1966 to descend to FL330 and to turn right, and KK6112 to turn left. The flights crossed eachother's altitudes at a horizontal distance of 1.3NM.

Based on the analysis performed, the Commission points out that the serious incident resulted from the following causes:
Main cause
Violation of the autopilot vertical speed selection process technique of A321-211 aircraft resulted in climbing of the aircraft instead of executing the clearance issued to KKK8JY for descent.
Contributing cause
A state of Expectation Bias of EXE ATCO that led to issuing of clearance to THY4AV for descent during the time when the KKK8JY started to climb in contrary to the previously issued and confirmed by the crew clearance for descent and the presence of Mode S indication displayed on the ATCAS screen for selected FL 310 by the crew of KKK8JY.

Accident investigation:
Investigating agency: AAIU Bulgaria
Report number: 
Status: Investigation completed
Download report: Final report

Flight International, 16-11 January 2018, pg13

History of this aircraft

Other occurrences involving this aircraft

9 June 2014 TC-ATF Atlasjet Airlines 0 Between Ercan (Cyprus) and Izmir (Turkey) min

Revision history:

29-Mar-2024 13:52 Edwin Added
29-Mar-2024 13:55 ASN Updated [Narrative, Accident report, ]
29-Mar-2024 13:56 ASN Updated [Time, ]

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