Serious incident Airbus A318-112 N596EL, Tuesday 27 March 2018
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Date:Tuesday 27 March 2018
Type:Silhouette image of generic A318 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Airbus A318-112
Registration: N596EL
MSN: 2523
Year of manufacture:2005
Engine model:CFMI CFM56-5B9/P
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 81
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: None
Category:Serious incident
Location:40.5 NM from CLO VOR, Cali -   Colombia
Phase: Approach
Nature:Passenger - Scheduled
Departure airport:Bogotá-Eldorado Airport (BOG/SKBO)
Destination airport:Cali-Alfonso Bonilla Aragón Airport (CLO/SKCL)
Investigating agency: Aerocivil
Confidence Rating: Accident investigation report completed and information captured
The aircraft was scheduled to perform a flight between SKBO to SKCL (AV9745). In descent phase to SKCL following the STAR MANGA 8, there was a GPWS warning at 14000 feet (MSL) and 1500 feet RA with TERRAIN TERRAIN PULL UP alarm. The crew performed an evasive maneuvering with ALPHA FLOOR activation. The aircraft landed normally in SKCL, without injuries and aircraft damages.

Probable Cause(s)
Loss of Situational Awareness (SAW) by the crew, by erroneously programming a descent altitude limit set in the MANGA8 arrival procedure, not realising the error and descending below the MEA over mountainous terrain; this circumstance brought the aircraft close to the terrain and caused the activation of the "PULL UP, TERRAIN" alarm.
This circumstance brought the aircraft closer to the terrain and caused the activation of the "PULL UP, TERRAIN" alarm.
Lack of supervision by the Check Pilot (PM) of his First Officer (PF) who, due to his lack of experience and being in a training period, should have been under strict control and feedback (CRM).
Cockpit communication (COM) failure, in that there was no feedback of procedures during the flight, demonstrating high levels of complacency in the cockpit towards the First Officer who was in initial operational training.

Contributing Factors
Failure in the radar surveillance to be exercised by the CLO APP controller, who did not detect and therefore did not warn the N596EL aircraft of its descent below the MEA and the altitude established in the STAR MANGA8.
Lack of general and equipment experience of the First Officer, who was acting as PF.

Accident investigation:
Investigating agency: Aerocivil
Report number: COL-18-09-GIA
Status: Investigation completed
Duration: 1 year
Download report: Final report



Revision history:

28-Mar-2024 09:34 ASN Added

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