Litium battery thermal event Incident Airbus A321-131 D-AIRX, Wednesday 6 March 2024
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Date:Wednesday 6 March 2024
Type:Silhouette image of generic A321 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Airbus A321-131
Registration: D-AIRX
MSN: 0887
Engine model:IAE V2530-A5
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 140
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: None
Location:Oporto -   Portugal
Phase: En route
Nature:Passenger - Scheduled
Departure airport:Frankfurt International Airport (FRA/EDDF)
Destination airport:Porto-Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (OPO/LPPR)
Confidence Rating: Little or no information is available
An onboard incident occurred on Lufthansa flight LH1178, aircraft D-AIRX involving a passenger's power bank. The power bank expanded and broke apart mid flight, prompting the crew to take action for safety reasons.

Captain contacted local staff at Oporto and requested assistance of the fire brigade for safety measures.

Upon arrival, fire fighters took possession of the power bank, secured it, and transported it for safe storage and disposal.

There was no fire or harmed customers or crew.


Airport Operations staff.

Revision history:

06-Mar-2024 19:50 Pia Nemova Added
06-Mar-2024 19:50 ASN Updated [Aircraft type, Cn, Operator, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, ]
06-Mar-2024 19:52 ASN Updated

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