Incident Tupolev Tu-154M B-2603, Monday 11 July 1988
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Date:Monday 11 July 1988
Type:Silhouette image of generic T154 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Tupolev Tu-154M
Owner/operator:China Xinjiang Airlines
Registration: B-2603
MSN: 85A718
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 173
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Minor
Location:Lushan District, Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province -   China
Phase: En route
Nature:Passenger - Scheduled
Departure airport:ZWWW
Destination airport:ZGGG
The Tu-154M, operating as China Xinjiang Airlines Flight 9501, went astray due to malfunctioning navigation equipment and was forced to land in a deserted military airfield after running low on fuel. All 11 crew members and 162 passengers were unhurt. Through scrupulous preparation and maintenance work, the aircraft was successfully extricated and returned to service.


History of this aircraft

Other occurrences involving this aircraft

7 August 1992 B-2603 China Xinjiang Airlines 0 Hetian Airport(HTN/ZWTN) min

Revision history:

12-Jul-2023 13:05 RDV Added

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