Accident North American A-5A Vigilante 146694, Wednesday 9 January 1963
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Date:Wednesday 9 January 1963
Type:Silhouette image of generic vigi model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
North American A-5A Vigilante
Owner/operator:North American Aviation
Registration: 146694
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 1
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:15 miles northwest of Pomeroy, OH -   United States of America
Phase: Manoeuvring (airshow, firefighting, ag.ops.)
Departure airport:CMH
Destination airport:CMH
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
Safe ejection, company test pilot flying solo. Both engines flamed out at 17,000’. Pilot ejected at 10,000’. The pilot landed near a grocery store and called his North American Aviation office in Columbus. A car was sent to retrieve him. The Vigilante crashed about 65 miles southeast of the NAA plant at Columbus.
Aircraft still with the manufacturer and no US Navy accident report was generated.
1st production A3J-1 Vigilante built. Redesignated A-5A it was a “conversion tester” for the A-5B models (improved bomber design with hump back for added fuel, stronger landing gear, and enlarged trailing-edge flaps and fully-blown, leading-edge flaps to allow for zero headwind take-offs).

The aircraft was delivered on 25 February 1959 and remained at Columbus its entire service life for Testing with BWR-RDT&E (Research, Development, Testing & Evaluation). Strike on 9 January 1963 with 369 Total Hours Flown.
North American Aviation test pilot on board was George Burdick.


Forgotten Jets (9 JAN 63)
US Navy Aircraft History Card


Revision history:

09-Feb-2022 21:41 TB Added
09-Feb-2022 21:57 TB Updated [Registration, Source, ]
22-May-2024 10:04 ChrisB Updated [Date, Total fatalities, Location, Phase, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Narrative, Photo, ]

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