Accident North American A-5A Vigilante 148931, Tuesday 5 May 1964
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Date:Tuesday 5 May 1964
Type:Silhouette image of generic vigi model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
North American A-5A Vigilante
Owner/operator:US Navy
Registration: 148931
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:near USS Enterprise,Ligurian Sea off northern Italy -   Italy
Phase: Manoeuvring (airshow, firefighting, ag.ops.)
Departure airport:USS Enterprise
Destination airport:USS Enterprise
Confidence Rating: Little or no information is available
Crashed into the Mediterranean Sea near USS Enterprise.

Operating off of USS Enterprise and launched as duty tanker and for practice bombing. The aircraft entered uncontrolled flight after unusual rolling and yawing. Safe ejection at 2,500' about 4 miles from carrier. Plane guard destroyer rescued pilot. Helo rescued the bombardier/navigator. Deck Log: 1134 Hours Lookouts report 2 parachutes 130 degrees plane in the water, type A5A, side number 707. USS Bailey (DDR-713) and helo proceeding to pilots. 1146 Hours Helo has Bombardier on board. And USS Bailey has pilot. No injuries.

HAS-7 Crew:
Lt Commander Jerrald E. Chapdelaine, pilot
AE1 Clifford Springer, BN

The Orlando Sentinel May 8 1964
USS Enterprise deck log



Revision history:

15-Jan-2022 14:45 TB Updated [Other fatalities, Country, ]
09-Jul-2024 09:59 ChrisB Updated [Time, Total fatalities, Total occupants, Location, Country, Phase, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Narrative, Category, Photo, ]

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