Gear-up landing Accident Cessna 172RG N5223V, Wednesday 13 February 2019
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Date:Wednesday 13 February 2019
Type:Silhouette image of generic C72R model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Cessna 172RG
Registration: N5223V
MSN: 172RG0476
Year of manufacture:1980
Total airframe hrs:6558 hours
Engine model:Lycoming O-360-F1A6
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 1
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Substantial
Location:Atlanta, GA -   United States of America
Phase: Landing
Departure airport:Atlanta, GA (FTY)
Destination airport:Atlanta, GA (RYY)
Investigating agency: NTSB
Confidence Rating: Accident investigation report completed and information captured
The pilot of the retractable-landing gear-equipped airplane reported that, during approach, he noticed the airplane was a little high, so he reduced power to idle and heard an alert horn. He quickly scanned the engine gauges and saw that the manifold pressure gauge was "pegged at the bottom with no indication." He considered conducting a go-around but decided to land and assess the situation on the ground. The pilot landed the airplane with the landing gear retracted.
The pilot added that he did not see the landing gear position light because his iPad, which was sitting on the yoke, blocked his view. He added that, leading up to the approach and landing, the flight was fast paced, and he felt rushed, which attributed to his assumption that he was in his "typical" fixed-landing gear airplane.
The airplane sustained substantial damage to the fuselage.
The pilot reported that there were no preaccident mechanical failures or malfunctions with the airplane that would have precluded normal operation.

Probable Cause: The pilot's failure to extend the landing gear before landing. Contributing to the accident were the pilot’s inability to see the landing gear position light because his iPad was blocking his view of it and his feeling of being rushed during the approach and landing.

Accident investigation:
Investigating agency: NTSB
Report number: GAA19CA138
Status: Investigation completed
Duration: 7 months
Download report: Final report




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02-Oct-2019 09:14 ASN Update Bot Added

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