Wirestrike Accident Flight Design CTLS-ELA HB-WYA, Sunday 30 December 2018
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Date:Sunday 30 December 2018
Type:Silhouette image of generic FDCT model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Flight Design CTLS-ELA
Registration: HB-WYA
MSN: F-09-03-06
Year of manufacture:2009
Fatalities:Fatalities: 1 / Occupants: 1
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Bang Phra Si racha Chonburi Province -   Thailand
Phase: Approach
Departure airport:Chiang Rai International Airport - CEI
Destination airport:Bang Phra Airport- VTBT
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
The aircraft was one of two Flight Design CTLS-ELA aircraft being flown solo around the world by two paraplegic pilots in an adventure known as Handiflight Around the World promoting the inclusion of disabled people and raising funds for handicap international with the support of Lions International. The two aircraft were accompanied by Piper PA24-250 Comanche HB-OVW being flown by another disabled pilot. The three aircraft were on approach to Bang Phra Airport in the Si Racha District, south east of Bangkok when HB-WYA went down. It has been reported that several broken power cables were found in the vicinity and it is believed that the aircraft struck these before crashing and being engulfed in flames.
The pilot Mike Lomberg died.


1. Death of our Friend Mike Lomberg
2. Handiflight Around the World Facebook Page
3. disabled-round-the-world-pilot-killed-in-crash



Revision history:

30-Dec-2018 14:03 Topaz Added
30-Dec-2018 17:34 RobertMB Updated [Narrative, ]
30-Dec-2018 20:16 Anon. Updated [Time, ]
31-Dec-2018 10:43 Iceman 29 Updated [Embed code, Narrative, ]
31-Dec-2018 11:55 Topaz Updated [Embed code, ]
31-Dec-2018 13:10 flyflyfly Updated [Phase, Embed code, ]
08-Mar-2025 07:32 Anon. Updated [Location, Departure airport, Destination airport, ]
08-Mar-2025 08:40 Anon. Updated [Category, ]

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