Incident Rans S-6ES Coyote II ZK-KIX, Saturday 15 February 2014
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Date:Saturday 15 February 2014
Time:14:10 LT
Type:Silhouette image of generic COY2 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Rans S-6ES Coyote II
Owner/operator:Hawkes Bay & East Coast Aero Club Inc
Registration: ZK-KIX
MSN: 09081907-ES
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants:
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Minor
Location:Hastings Aerodrome, Hawke's Bay -   New Zealand
Phase: Landing
Departure airport:NZHS
Destination airport:NZHS
Confidence Rating: Information verified through data from accident investigation authorities
A small aircraft crashed at Hawkes Bay Aero Club. Police refrained from commenting. It is believed it was a two-seater microlight aircraft. This is the second incident today, and was believed to have been caused by bad weather.


Revision history:

15-Feb-2014 07:36 Alexander Wyche Added
16-Feb-2014 07:25 Anon. Updated [Registration, ]
16-Feb-2014 08:48 Alpine Flight Updated [Aircraft type, Cn, ]
16-Feb-2014 23:31 Geno Updated [Time, Operator, Location, Phase, Nature, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Damage, Narrative, Plane category, ]
08-Aug-2020 03:03 Ron Averes Updated [Location, ]
27-Jan-2022 03:56 Ron Averes Updated [Location, ]

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