Incident Hongdu K-8 Karakorum CTF743, Tuesday 24 July 2001
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Date:Tuesday 24 July 2001
Type:Silhouette image of generic K8 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Hongdu K-8 Karakorum
Owner/operator:Sri Lanka Air Force
Registration: CTF743
MSN: L83200221
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 0
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Colombo-Bandaranaike International Airport (CMB/VCBI) -   Sri Lanka
Phase: Standing
Departure airport:-
Destination airport:-
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
LTTE Tamil Tiger rebels launched a major pre-dawn suicide attack on Colombo-Bandaranayake International Airport and the adjoining Katunayake AFB. The raid left at least 19 people dead, including 14 Tamil rebels, two army commandos and three air force personnel. Two of SriLankan Airlines' Airbus A.330 planes (4R-ALE and 4R-ALF) were destroyed, one A.320 (4R-ABA) and one of their A.340 planes (4R-ADD). Two other planes were damaged (A.340 4R-ADC and A.320 4R-ABB). A number of military planes were also damaged and destroyed.


Scramble 214

Revision history:

07-Jan-2012 13:36 harro Added
07-Jan-2012 13:36 harro Updated [Date, ]
27-Dec-2021 03:15 Ron Averes Updated [Operator, ]
05-Jan-2022 12:59 Prometheus Updated [Registration, Cn, Location, ]

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