Accident Supermarine Spitfire Mk I K9974, Sunday 26 November 1939
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Date:Sunday 26 November 1939
Type:Silhouette image of generic SPIT model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Supermarine Spitfire Mk I
Owner/operator:602 (City of Glasgow) Sqn RAF
Registration: K9974
MSN: 186
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 1
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:RAF Drem, East Lothian, Scotlant -   United Kingdom
Phase: Landing
Departure airport:RAF Drem, East Lothian
Destination airport:RAF Drem
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
First Flown 12-5-39. Delivered to the RAF at Turnhouse, Edinburgh, for 602 Squadron,15-5-39.

Overshot landing & struck L1079 which was parked at dispersal. To 63MU 7-12-39 for repairss. Not repaired and Struck Off Charge 16-1-40.


Spitfire production list

Revision history:

04-Mar-2011 03:53 angels one five Added
25-Dec-2011 05:11 Nepa Updated [Aircraft type, Registration, Operator, Location, Destination airport, ]
10-Jan-2012 16:30 angels one five Updated [Aircraft type, Cn, Operator, Location, Destination airport, ]
13-Jan-2012 01:54 Nepa Updated [Aircraft type, Operator, Location, Nature, ]
22-Jan-2012 20:04 angels one five Updated [Aircraft type, Narrative, ]
07-May-2012 14:06 Dr. John Smith Updated [Aircraft type, Registration, Cn, Operator, Location, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Narrative, ]
30-May-2012 00:26 Nepa Updated [Operator, Location, ]
04-Nov-2012 18:36 angels one five Updated [Aircraft type, Narrative, ]
19-Apr-2015 22:43 angels one five Updated [Operator, Narrative, ]
29-May-2015 10:57 Angel dot comma Updated [Operator, Destination airport, ]
29-May-2015 10:58 Angel dot comma Updated [Location, ]
07-Jan-2016 21:22 JINX Updated [Aircraft type, Operator, Location, Departure airport, Narrative, ]
07-Jan-2016 21:27 JIXN Updated [Aircraft type, Operator, ]
24-Jan-2016 00:42 JINX Updated [Aircraft type, Operator, ]
13-Feb-2018 21:46 Nepa Updated [Aircraft type, Operator, ]
07-Feb-2021 19:42 angels one five Updated [Time, Source, Narrative, ]

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