Accident Hawker Hunter F Mk 6 IF-52, Monday 9 October 1961
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Date:Monday 9 October 1961
Type:Silhouette image of generic HUNT model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Hawker Hunter F Mk 6
Owner/operator:7 Wg Belgische Luchtmacht
Registration: IF-52
MSN: 8797
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 1
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Chateau Forcien -   France
Phase: Manoeuvring (airshow, firefighting, ag.ops.)
Departure airport:Chièvres AB (B)
Destination airport:
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
IF52 c/n 8797 Line-Nr.: T136 Build Nr.: AF129 Build by: Sabca
18/03/58: taken on charge by Belgische Luchmacht
19/03/58: 9 Wing 26 Squadron, Bierset (JE-T)
04/06/59: Minor (cat.2) damaged in flying accident - collision with target during firing exercise
18/08/59: to Fairey for repairs
28/12/59: to 7 Wing, Chièvres
29/08/60: Minor (cat.1) damage
09/10/61: cat.5 - Mid-air collison with IF133 during an interception of 2 USAFE F101 Voodoo's. IF133 made a sudden change of position in the formation and tore off the left wing of IF52. The aircraft went into a spin and crashed near Chateau Forcien (France). Pilot, OLt. Roeland (7Wing), managed to eject at 26000ft, but suffered serious injuries to his spine.
30/09/62: struck of charge (tt: 489:25 hrs)

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Revision history:

07-Nov-2008 10:15 ASN archive Added
25-Mar-2012 09:12 Dr. John Smith Updated [Cn, Operator, Total fatalities, Total occupants, Other fatalities, Location, Country, Phase, Nature, Departure airport, Source, Narrative, ]
07-May-2013 14:58 Nepa Updated [Operator, Narrative, ]
13-Jan-2020 16:52 stehlik49 Updated [Aircraft type, Operator, Departure airport, Operator, ]

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