Accident Bell UH-1H Huey II , Thursday 18 April 2024
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Date:Thursday 18 April 2024
Time:c. 14:20 LT
Type:Silhouette image of generic UH1 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Bell UH-1H Huey II
Owner/operator:Kenya Air Force (KAF)
Fatalities:Fatalities: 10 / Occupants: 12
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Sindar area, western Kenya -   Kenya
Phase: En route
Departure airport:
Destination airport:
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
A Kenya Air Force Bell UH-1H Huey II, operated by the 53 Tactical Helicopter Squadron, crashed under unknown circumstances in the Sindar area, western Kenya.
Ten occupants died and two survived suffering serious injuries and the helicopter caught fire and was destroyed.
Among the dead was Kenya Chief of Defence Forces General Ogolla.


Revision history:

18-Apr-2024 15:23 gerard57 Added
18-Apr-2024 18:23 vasilf Updated [Time, Total fatalities, Total occupants, Source, ]
18-Apr-2024 18:37 vasilf Updated [Aircraft type, Source, ]
18-Apr-2024 19:14 vasilf Updated [Aircraft type, Source, ]
18-Apr-2024 22:42 RobertMB Updated [Time, Operator, Location, Departure airport, Source, Embed code, Narrative, Category, ]
18-Apr-2024 23:14 RobertMB Updated [Source, Embed code, Narrative, Category, ]
18-Apr-2024 23:30 RobertMB Updated [Time, Aircraft type, Registration, Operator, Total fatalities, Location, Source, Narrative, ]
18-Apr-2024 23:35 Anon. Updated
19-Apr-2024 00:23 RobertMB Updated [Time, Operator, Narrative, ]
22-Apr-2024 06:13 JeffRL Updated [Narrative, ]

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