Accident MiG-21PF 502, Tuesday 25 March 1986
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Date:Tuesday 25 March 1986
Type:Silhouette image of generic MG21 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Owner/operator:Hungarian Air Force
Registration: 502
MSN: 760502
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 1
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Taszár Air Base -   Hungary
Phase: Take off
Departure airport:31 vre Taszár Air Base
Destination airport:31 vre Taszár Air Base
The task was to intercept an air target at night, in the clouds and a test flight. Immediately after takeoff, at a height of 25 meters, the light and sound of an explosion could be seen from the engine. This was repeated three times in quick succession. Finally, at a height of 120 meters, the engine stopped at 530 km/h. The pilot ejected at the top of the altitude, so he owes his life only to routine, skill and luck, and an overactive emergency system. The plane crashed into the ground 1,200 meters behind the runway, the pilot's elbow was broken because he did not assume the correct body position during the ejection.
Lt. Col. Gyula Várhelyi could no longer fly any more.


Hungarian military history archive

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25-Dec-2023 09:21 Monox Added

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