Accident de Havilland DH.9 84, Thursday 13 March 1924
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Date:Thursday 13 March 1924
Time:c. 10:00
Type:de Havilland DH.9
Owner/operator:Fuerza Aérea de Chile
Registration: 84
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Viña del Mar -   Chile
Phase: Unknown
Departure airport:Reñaca
Destination airport:
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
"Atacama" flew into trees at Las Salinas shortly after take-off. Ten Marcial Arredondo and mechanic Cabo Miguel González escaped unhurt. Formation of five DH.9 ("Coquimbo", "Atacama", "Tacna", "Ferroviario" and "Tarapacá") and two Avro 504K ("España" and "General Korner"), photos at L.N. 14 FEB 1924, p11, DH.9 no tailnumbers visible. Avro "España" "81" visible at L.N. 18 FEB 1924, p12.
DH.9 "Coquimbo" wearing tail number "89" on photo L.N. 21 FEB 1924, p11

Note: "Tarapacá" was demolished 8 March 1923


La Nación (Santiago) 14 March 1924, p12

Revision history:

19-Oct-2023 17:24 TB Added
05-Mar-2024 19:11 TB Updated [Date, ]
03-May-2024 08:27 TB Updated [Narrative, ]
03-May-2024 08:31 TB Updated [Narrative, ]
05-May-2024 20:13 TB Updated [Narrative, ]
05-May-2024 21:01 TB Updated [Narrative, ]
06-May-2024 05:27 TB Updated [Narrative, ]
06-May-2024 06:14 TB Updated [Narrative, ]

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