Incident Antonov An-32B 327, Tuesday 17 October 2023
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Date:Tuesday 17 October 2023
Time:c. 10:58
Type:Silhouette image of generic AN32 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Antonov An-32B
Owner/operator:Fuerza Aérea del Peru - FAP
Registration: 327
MSN: 3207
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 38
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Minor
Location:Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM/SPIM), Lima -   Peru
Phase: Landing
Departure airport:Lima-Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM/SPJC)
Destination airport:Mazamari-Manuel Prado Ugarteche Aiport (SPMF)
A FAP Antonov An-32B, operated by Grupo 8, landed with the left main gear retracted at Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM/SPJC), Lima.
None of the 38 people on board was hurt, the aircraft was flying from Lima to Mazamari, having to return to SPIM because of landing gear malunfctions.

Sources: (photo)

History of this aircraft

Ex OB-1686, FAP-327, RA-48063

Other occurrences involving this aircraft

25 June 2014 FAP-327 Fuerza Aérea del Peru - FAP 0 Lima-Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM/SPIM) unk



Video of the landing:

Revision history:

17-Oct-2023 17:50 Captain Adam Added
17-Oct-2023 18:44 harro Updated
18-Oct-2023 06:23 vasilf Updated
18-Oct-2023 06:27 poxipol Updated
18-Oct-2023 07:16 RobertMB Updated
18-Oct-2023 07:18 harro Updated
18-Oct-2023 14:37 Anon. Updated

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