Accident Van's RV-12IS N321BT, Sunday 3 September 2023
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Date:Sunday 3 September 2023
Type:Silhouette image of generic RV12 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Van's RV-12IS
Registration: N321BT
MSN: 12110
Year of manufacture:2022
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Substantial
Location:Crystal Airport (MIC/KMIC), Minneapolis, MN -   United States of America
Phase: Landing
Departure airport:Major Gilbert Field Airport, WI (4R5)
Destination airport:Minneapolis-Crystal Airport, MN (KMIC)
Investigating agency: NTSB
Confidence Rating: Information verified through data from accident investigation authorities
On September 3, 2023, about 1904 central daylight time, a Van’s Aircraft RV-12iS airplane, N321BT, sustained substantial damage when it was involved in an accident at Crystal Airport (MIC/KMIC), Minneapolis, Minnesota. The pilot sustained minor injuries and the passenger sustained no injury. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight.

The light-sport airplane departed from the Major Gilbert Field Airport (4R5), La Pointe, Wisconsin, about 1725, for the cross-country flight. The intended destination was the Crystal Airport (MIC), Minneapolis, Minnesota. During the landing to the dry asphalt of runway 24R at MIC, the pilot reported the airplane bounced two times. The nose gear collapsed, a propeller strike occurred, and the airplane came to rest upright on the runway in a nose down attitude. The two occupants were able to egress from the airplane without further incident.

The airplane sustained substantial damage to the lower fuselage. The nose gear was retained for a future examination. The airplane was equipped with a Rotax Aircraft Engines 912iS reciprocating engine and a Sensenich Propellers 2A0R5R70EN-V composite two-blade ground adjustable propeller. The airplane, serial number 12110, was manufactured by Van’s Aircraft Inc., in 2022.

Accident investigation:
Investigating agency: NTSB
Report number: CEN23LA398
Status: Preliminary report
Download report: Preliminary report




Revision history:

05-Sep-2023 17:16 aus Added
05-Sep-2023 17:17 harro Updated
05-Sep-2023 17:51 aus Updated
05-Sep-2023 18:53 Captain Adam Updated
06-Sep-2023 05:53 harro Updated
06-Sep-2023 16:07 Captain Adam Updated
10-Sep-2023 12:17 Captain Adam Updated

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