Accident Schleicher ASW 28-18E OO-ZSB, Saturday 10 June 2023
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Date:Saturday 10 June 2023
Type:Silhouette image of generic AS28 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Schleicher ASW 28-18E
Registration: OO-ZSB
MSN: 28723
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 1
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Substantial
Location:Hasselt-Kiewit Airfield (EBZH) -   Belgium
Phase: Approach
Departure airport:Genk-Zwartberg Airfield (GNK/EBZW)
Destination airport:Genk-Zwartberg Airfield (GNK/EBZW)
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
On June 10, 2023, at about 1400 local time, a Schleicher ASW 28-18E glider, OO-ZSB, sustained substantial damage when it was involved in an accident at Hasselt-Kiewit Airfield (EBZH), Belgium.

Departing from EBZW, the glider was on a southwesterly heading during a cross-country flight, at an altitude of 1800 m AMSL. The pilot opened the air brakes in order to descend below the floor of Brussels TMA (1500 m AMSL). After losing sufficient altitude, he reportedly closed the air brakes. However they were not locked and had immediately reopened without the pilot noticing this. The vertical speed indicator reportedly showed only half of the real descent rate, and the pilot attributed the loss of altitude to meteorological conditions (flying through a zone of descending air). At 450 m the pilot started the sustainer engine but as the air brakes were unknowingly still open the glider continued descending with engine on.
The pilot tried to land traverse on runway 09 at the airport, but touched an embankment at the airfield perimeter.


Flight recorder data and pilot report

Ex G-GLID, BGA5131, D-KEBB, D-KOAB (test registration)


Revision history:

10-Jun-2023 18:03 Wil Added
10-Jun-2023 19:26 RobertMB Updated
18-Jun-2023 14:45 Captain Adam Updated
07-Aug-2023 09:49 HK Updated

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