Accident Lockheed 10A Electra VH-UXI, Monday 18 December 1939
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Date:Monday 18 December 1939
Time:05:45 LT
Type:Silhouette image of generic L10 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Lockheed 10A Electra
Owner/operator:Guinea Airways / RAAF
Registration: VH-UXI
MSN: 1105
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 12
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Darwin, NT -   Australia
Phase: En route
Departure airport:Darwin, NT
Destination airport:Adelaide, SA
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
The aircraft christened 'Moresby' left Darwin Airport at 0535LT bound for Adelaide with ten soldiers and two crew on behalf of the Royal Australian Air Force. Five minutes after take off, the right engine fired and the crew decided to return to Darwin. On final approach, the captain was forced to attempt an emergency landing when in low visibility, the aircraft hit a tree and crashed in flames into trees adjacent to the railway line about a mile south of Darwin Airport.

While all twelve occupants escaped uninjured, the aircraft was completely destroyed by fire. Captain Nobby Buckley and First Officer U.G. Edgerton evacuated the ten Army passengers and their baggage before the aeroplane was destroyed by fire.




This back of photo 1 (all 8 were taken on site following crash)

Onsite Darwin 18/12/1939

Crash site Darwin 18/12/1939 Note that this is similar to one in SA State Library site which was before the starboard engine fire expired. There is no evidence of wreckage outside that area was destroyed by fire. All 12 personnel extremely fortunate the fuel load for flight to Adelaide apparently did not escape.

On Darwin crash site 18/12/1939

Onsite of VH-UXI crash by F/O U.G. Edgerton on 18th December 1939.

Onsite following evacuation of 12 personnel by F/O U.G. Edgerton on 18th December 1939

Taken by F/O U.G. Edgerton following evacuation of all on board 18th December 1939

This is photo of watch given to my father Ulric Gorham Edgerton by Darwin draft of AIF. Background is his log record of the crash. Pity they slightly erred with his initial and name. I have had the watch for 30 years (Edgy passed away in 1989) and never knew the significance of the inscription until recently when his sister passed away aged 97 and I investigated his photos of crash which she had stored in a box.

Revision history:

27-Sep-2008 01:00 ASN archive Added
07-Feb-2010 10:13 TB Updated [Aircraft type, Cn, Operator, Phase, Nature, Destination airport, Source, Damage, Narrative, ]
24-Apr-2010 02:09 TB Updated [Operator, Departure airport, Destination airport, Narrative, ]
24-Apr-2010 02:15 TB Updated [Narrative, ]
24-Apr-2010 02:34 TB Updated
07-Feb-2018 23:10 Dr. John Smith Updated [Time, Source, Narrative, ]
07-Feb-2018 23:13 Dr. John Smith Updated [Source, Narrative, ]
26-Dec-2020 21:31 Anon. Updated [Operator, Operator, ]
09-Feb-2021 07:18 Robert Edgerton Updated [Photo, ]
09-Feb-2021 08:40 Robert Edgerton Updated [Photo, ]
12-Feb-2021 07:15 Robert Edgerton Updated [Photo, ]
12-Feb-2021 07:15 Robert Edgerton Updated [Photo, ]
13-Feb-2021 08:39 Robert Edgerton Updated [Photo, ]
13-Feb-2021 08:39 Robert Edgerton Updated [Photo, ]
14-Feb-2021 12:35 Robert Edgerton Updated [Photo, ]
06-Jul-2021 17:36 Robert Edgerton Updated [Photo, ]

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