Accident Rockwell Space Shuttle Challenger OV-099, Tuesday 28 January 1986
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Date:Tuesday 28 January 1986
Time:16:39:13 UTC
Type:Rockwell Space Shuttle Challenger
Registration: OV-099
Fatalities:Fatalities: 7 / Occupants: 7
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Off the Florida coast, Atlantic Ocean -   United States of America
Phase: Initial climb
Departure airport:LC39A, Cape Canaveral, Fl
Destination airport:KTTS Titusville, FL
During mission STS-51L, at about T+73 seconds, the left SRB suffered a o-ring failure that caused hot gas to burn through the strut holding it in place. The SRB hit the LOX tank, causing an explosion that destroyed the orbiter.



Revision history:

09-Dec-2020 14:05 ErinBensen Added
27-Oct-2023 07:38 TenAvsafe Updated
30-Nov-2023 17:13 Anon. Updated [Category, ]

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