Accident Sud Aviation SO 4050 Vautour IIN 311, Tuesday 17 January 1961
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Date:Tuesday 17 January 1961
Type:Sud Aviation SO 4050 Vautour IIN
Owner/operator:Armée de l'Air
Registration: 311
MSN: 23
Fatalities:Fatalities: 1 / Occupants:
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Oran -   Algeria
Phase: Unknown
Departure airport:BA Oran/Esc 2/6
Destination airport:
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
Navigator (23).


History of this aircraft

Other occurrences involving this aircraft

1 July 1964 353 Armée de l'Air 2 w/o

Revision history:

08-Sep-2020 16:12 TB Added
22-Sep-2020 18:16 TB Updated [Damage, ]
22-Sep-2020 18:47 TB Updated [Aircraft type, Registration, Cn, Source, Damage, ]

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