Accident Socata TB9 Tampico 5N-CAV, Tuesday 22 July 2008
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Date:Tuesday 22 July 2008
Type:Silhouette image of generic TAMP model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Socata TB9 Tampico
Owner/operator:Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT)
Registration: 5N-CAV
MSN: 1842
Engine model:Lycoming O-320-D2A
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 1
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Substantial
Location:Zaria Airport (ZAR) -   Nigeria
Phase: Approach
Departure airport:Zaria Airport (ZAR)
Destination airport:Zaria Airport (ZAR)
Investigating agency: AIB Nigeria
Confidence Rating: Accident investigation report completed and information captured
A TB-9 Tampico aircraft 5N-CAV on a solo flight within the training area in Zaria, with one student pilot on board, and four hours endurance, crash landed into the aerodrome fence, 200 meters from end of the runway 24 along the extended center line.
Causal Factor:
The decision of the Instructor to release the student for first solo flight despite inadequate training.
Contributory Factors:
(i) The inappropriate use of carburetor heat by the student led to reduced power, engine vibration, which consequently caused the student to panic and lost control of the aircraft.
(ii) Non-adherence to procedures for release of the student for first solo flight as specified in the NCAT Flight Training Manual.

Accident investigation:
Investigating agency: AIB Nigeria
Report number: 
Status: Investigation completed
Download report: Final report



Revision history:

24-Jul-2008 11:26 harro Added
24-Jul-2008 21:03 RobertMB Updated
20-Feb-2013 11:54 harro Updated [Time, Phase, Source, Damage, Narrative, ]
18-Apr-2018 14:01 harro Updated [Source, ]

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