Accident Bristol 130 Bombay Prototype K3583, Saturday 4 February 1939
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Date:Saturday 4 February 1939
Type:Bristol 130 Bombay Prototype
Owner/operator:A&AEE RAF
Registration: K3583
MSN: 7809
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Chigwell, Essex, England -   United Kingdom
Phase: Taxi
Departure airport:Chigwell, Essex
Destination airport:Martlesham Heath, Suffolk
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
K3583 was the prototype Bristol 130 Bombay, and first flew at Filton, Bristol on 23/6/35. It never entered operational service, spending its entire career on trials with Bristol Aircraft at Filton, and with the A&AEE at Martlesham Heath. On 4/2/39, due to an engine problem, the 27 seat Bristol 130 Bombay Prototype K3583 was able to force land safely in a field presently bordered by Forest Road, Roebuck Road and Fowler Road, Redbridge. The description given in the history books - of Chigwell - is incorrect by a matter of a few dozen yards.

Having landed, without further damage, repaired the fault, and prepared to return to the air, it was sheer bad luck that followed. As K3583 lumbered into a turn at the end of the field nearest the Hainault Forest, preparatory to a take off towards the west, the large fixed undercarriage collapsed. The aircraft was dismantled in situ and removed by road.

Reports on the fate of the aircraft vary. One line of opinion states that the machine was damaged beyond economic repair, and not rebuilt after the mishap, another that a firm sighting was made of the aircraft at Filton, Bristol, in the early war years wearing camouflage colours. (Possibly as a ground instructional airframe?)


1. Royal Air Force Aircraft K1000-K9999 (James J. Halley, Air Britain, 1976 page 26)

Revision history:

26-Mar-2018 17:47 Dr. John Smith Added

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