Incident Avro Anson Mk I L7059, Thursday 9 November 1939
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Date:Thursday 9 November 1939
Type:Silhouette image of generic ANSN model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Avro Anson Mk I
Owner/operator:10 FTS RAF
Registration: L7059
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:RAF Ternhill, Shropshire, England -   United Kingdom
Phase: Standing
Departure airport:RAF Ternhill, Shropshire
Destination airport:RAF Ternhill, Shropshire
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
The Anson was waiting for takeoff on runway when Hawker Hind K5530 landed on top of it. On this date Australian Peter John Moore (Service Number 754288) RAF was involved in an incident at 10 FTS and I can confirm that he was actually in Anson L7059 waiting to take off with his instructor Flt Lt Walter Robinson Cox (Service Number 32122) when he was hit by Hind K5530 which was coming into land.

The Hind had Instructor Pilot J R Wood (Service Number 590618) in it, but may also of had a pilot under instruction who is not named in the accident form 1180. This occurred at about 4.20 pm.


1. Air-Britain Royal Air Force Aircraft L1000-N9999

Revision history:

26-May-2008 15:08 JINX Added
06-Nov-2011 11:59 rvargast17 Updated [Time, Total fatalities, Total occupants, Other fatalities, Location, Country, Phase, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Narrative, ]
19-Mar-2012 06:40 Dr. John Smith Updated [Operator, Location, Source, Narrative, ]
23-Jul-2013 04:32 JINX Updated [Operator, Source, Narrative, ]
12-Jan-2016 20:31 JIXN Updated [Operator, Location, Nature, Departure airport, Destination airport, Narrative, ]
24-Jun-2018 22:33 Dr. John Smith Updated [Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Narrative, ]
31-May-2024 21:17 Nepa Updated [Location, Operator, ]

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