Accident Mil Mi-171 EP-HRB, Sunday 27 November 2016
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Date:Sunday 27 November 2016
Type:Silhouette image of generic MI8 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Mil Mi-171
Owner/operator:Yas Air
Registration: EP-HRB
MSN: 59489617226
Year of manufacture:2001
Fatalities:Fatalities: 5 / Occupants: 5
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Caspian Sea, off Behshahr, Mazandaran province -   Iran
Phase: Take off
Departure airport:Iran Amir Kabir, Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
Destination airport:Neka heliport
Investigating agency: AAID Iran
Confidence Rating: Accident investigation report completed and information captured
The helicopter crashed into the sea during an offshore take off on an early morning night-time medevac. All five occupants, a patient (who had suffered a heart attack), a medic and three flight crew members, died in the crash.

The main cause of the accident :
The lack of observance of the rules of night flight by the pilots. Ultimately, they had been disorientated or lacking in situational awareness.

Accident investigation:
Investigating agency: AAID Iran
Report number: 
Status: Investigation completed
Download report: Final report



Revision history:

27-Nov-2016 10:14 gerard57 Added
27-Nov-2016 10:56 azhdar24 Updated [Aircraft type, Cn, ]
27-Nov-2016 10:56 harro Updated [Cn, Operator, ]
27-Nov-2016 13:22 azhdar24 Updated [Source, Embed code, ]
27-Nov-2016 16:40 harro Updated [Aircraft type, Registration, Operator, Location, Source, Embed code, Narrative, ]
27-Nov-2016 18:12 Aerossurance Updated [Location, Phase, Departure airport, Source, Narrative, ]
27-Nov-2016 19:57 azhdar24 Updated [Embed code, ]
27-Nov-2016 19:58 harro Updated [Embed code, ]
27-Nov-2016 20:09 Anon. Updated [Registration, Destination airport, ]
27-Nov-2016 20:09 harro Updated [Registration, Narrative, ]
05-Dec-2016 15:19 Anon. Updated [Photo, ]
05-Dec-2016 15:19 harro Updated [Registration, Narrative, ]
08-Nov-2017 18:21 harro Updated [Cn, Narrative, ]
04-May-2023 14:24 harro Updated

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