Accident Van's RV-12 N817RV, Sunday 29 September 2013
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Date:Sunday 29 September 2013
Type:Silhouette image of generic RV12 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different    
Van's RV-12
Registration: N817RV
MSN: 120490
Engine model:Rotax 915
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 1
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Substantial
Location:Private airstrip, Norrie, WI -   United States of America
Phase: Landing
Departure airport:Merrill, WI (KRRL)
Destination airport:Hatley, WI
Investigating agency: NTSB
Confidence Rating: Accident investigation report completed and information captured
During the landing flare to a private field, the airplane encountered a crosswind from the southwest. The wind pushed the airplane to the north and the airplane landed prematurely on a high berm located to the north of the runway. The landing gear collapsed and the airplane was damaged by the postimpact fire. The pilot did not report any mechanical anomalies with the airplane.
Probable Cause: The pilot did not maintain control of the airplane while landing with a crosswind.

Accident investigation:
Investigating agency: NTSB
Report number: CEN13CA569
Status: Investigation completed
Download report: Final report




Revision history:

29-Sep-2013 20:06 Geno Added
29-Sep-2013 22:15 Geno Updated [Total fatalities, Total occupants, Other fatalities, Narrative, ]
29-Nov-2017 12:08 ASN Update Bot Updated [Time, Cn, Operator, Other fatalities, Nature, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Damage, Narrative, ]
29-Nov-2017 12:11 harro Updated [Aircraft type, ]

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