Accident Blériot-Voisin II , Tuesday 18 July 1905
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Date:Tuesday 18 July 1905
Type:Blériot-Voisin II
Fatalities:Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 1
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Destroyed
Location:Billancourt -   France
Phase: Take off
Departure airport:
Destination airport:
Confidence Rating: Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources
take off from river Seine
Pilot: Gabriel Voisin
-Glider built jointly by Freres Voisin and Louis Blériot. As their precedent glider, flown 8th June 1905, this one disregarded completely about control, and was not equally stable. The glider, on floats, was towed by a boat in the river. It tilted inmediately and failed to take off. Gabriel Voisin was just saved from drowning


- archive Bleiente
- VOLAR El Mundo de la Aviación EGC Ediciones 1982 Vol V Pag 872

Revision history:

08-Mar-2008 22:11 Bleiente Added
27-Mar-2010 04:31 Anon. Updated [Total fatalities, Narrative, ]
02-Oct-2015 06:19 Anon. Updated [Narrative, ]

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